Tips for Selling Online - E-Commerce Planning Advice
I have been helping companies with their websites, e-commerce sites, and helping them sell using online platforms for more than 20 years. My clients range from individuals who want to start their own online business to fortune 500 companies implementing an e-commerce initiative. With this wide range of clients and experiences, I have been able to come up with some common questions and misconceptions that need to be addressed.
#1 Determine a Goal and Then a Plan!
No seriously, that sounds pretty basic but more than half the time I have people racing towards design layouts and imagery before they ever think about what they are trying to achieve. You would never start a business without developing a business plan and a set of measurable goals, well wouldn't online sales also be a business. Oh! and goals are not "to sell things" and target audiences are not "anyone who will buy it" planning is the key to operational success.
#2 Do The Research!
From keywords to optimize your site or product page to pricing to features, you need to do your competitive research and plan accordingly. I felt bad for the client that said, I'm the biggest company in my industry and I'm number one on the Internet only to show him that there were 4 other identical companies to him. And he never heard of any of them. This has happened more than once.
Keyword Research!
Rule #1
In most cases you are wrong. Use data to help you select keywords
Rule #2
DO NOT PICK TARGET KEYWORD PHRASES STRIUCTLKY BASED ON MONTHLY VOLUME. Time and time again I see just pick the keywords with the highest search volume. No, first start by choosing keywords that best describe your product, service, or capability, then look at how competitive the word is and then how much monthly search volume.
Rule #3
Type the keyword into Google and see if it would make sense for you to appear on that search results page. For example, I want to be #1 for Windows. OK, do you mean Microsoft Windows or Pella Windows...They are both windows you know.
Who Is Our Audience? - What Do They Want?
If you cant describe who your selling to, you need to find out. There are many tools and sites that can help you determine who would be your target audience or at least narrow it down from "Everyone" Once you know that look at your competition and see how they address their audience and model your own plan from what is working.
Should we sell on a Ready-Made Platform or Build Our Own E-Commerce Site?
You need to again ask what are your goals. If it is strictly revenue and you have high-profit margins, then places like Amazon will help you accomplish this goal with little time and energy on your part. If you want revenue and build your brand, then you might want to look at using a program, like Shopify or Woo Commerce.
Figure Out Shipping Costs, Return Policies, Taxes, Shipping Options.
There was a great commercial in the 1990s where a group of people is gathered around the web developers' computer and they cheer as the first few orders come in. Then the counter starts going faster and faster and they all look at each other not know what to do. You need to talk with the experts or do the research to officially have a plan on shipping costs, policies, and even legal issues.
Don't spend all this time setting up a store and pull out your cell phone to do product photography. Do it right! people do react to the quality of the image and how it is displayed. I would also refrain from using all stock photography as anyone who is web-savvy will immediately see your using the same images used on hundreds of competitive sites.
Finally, Provide Enough Content.
If I hear one more time, "I just want the pictures to tell the story or I don't like sites with a lot of text" get over it. Two Things, Google bases a lot on your content, structure, and links and a little on META tags. YOU CANNOT BUILD CRAP PAGES AND FIX THEM WITH MAGIC TAGS!!! sorry I had to vent. The last part is IT"S NOT WHAT YOU LIKE ITS WHAT YOUR TARGET CUSTOMER WANTS.
There is a tone more to add, and I probably will in another post! Have a question? Visit my website or contact me via email.